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Female American Toad,  Bufo americanus. Cheap Feed Pony Foal, 20 Hours Old Ferrett Along the Trans-Canada Highway east of Goobies Pony foal less than 1 day old.
6776 - "Candy" by her food bowl "Duchess" and her new foal, less than 12 hours old. Newborn foal, less than 12 hours old. "Duchess" and her new foal, less than 12 hours old. "Duchess" and her new foal, less than 12 hours old. "Penny" - Lazy Day
"6793 - "Candy" the cat Along the Trans-Canada Highway east of Goobies        
Seals at Marine Lab 2006-01-07 The Bold & The Beautiful Moose behind Wal*Mart in Clarenville Moose behind Wal*Mart in Clarenville  



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